Description: Absorbable, synthetic, monofilament suture for long term wound support, ideal for slow healing wounds,
- Easy passage through tissue/ smoothness of a monofilament high initial strength
- Slow decrease in tensile strength
- Minimal tissue reaction
- Ideal for long term Support
- Long term wound support (~ 60 days)
- Tensile Strength: ~75 % after 2 weeks
- ~60% after 4 weeks
- ~0% after 10 weeks
Absorption: Essentially complete in 180-210 days
Material: Polydioxanone, PDO 100%
Structure: Monofilament
Colour: Violet
Sterilization: EO
Packaging: Available in USP 7/0 (metric 0.5) through USP 2
(metric 5) in boxes of 12 (one dozen) aluminium poches